
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


now im going to make a prank i need ideas if you could comment and ask other people to comment that would be great thx.

end of year movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=D

you guys going cool? well im going to make a movie with everyone in it using movie maker for the end of the year and end of term i want it done by if youve seen this tell everyone @ school to because i need to down load your pictures to my usb thx.

cool games

how you guys going this is a list of the top 5 games
1)oblivian buy for pc $50
2)dawn of war 2 shops @ eb games $40
3)runescape you may think its bad but try it finnish the tutorail and see how you go
4) armies of glienor @ funorb free online game simerler to age of empiars.
5) the expansion pack for oblivan buy @ shops unsure of cost need to have oblivian installed first tho.
i do not take any responiblity for nightmars or getting in trouble i think its great tho....................=p

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

hahahahhaha lol
this isnt really how runescape ended but o well